I'll be using the setting for a brace of games at this years Pacificon. A mere weeks away now.
I'll be using Wiley Games Tales of Horror rules, with liberal sprinklings from the Horse and Musket variant as well.
The scenarios are taken fairly straight from the pages of another set of rules: Witchfinder General.
The setting for the first adventure is a village whose Feudal overlord has a less than stellar record of public service and brings new meaning to the term "Human Resources".
To that end I have set myself to bring the small fishing village of "Corleigh by the Moor" to life.
I have a few resin cast adobe buildings I made a long time ago that I'm re-purposing by adding timber framing. I've got two smaller cottages like this and a larger one that will become the village's mill.
In addition I make a pair of larger cottages out of foam core and bass wood strips. All these buildings will be getting thatch roofs eventually.

This shows the planned design for the village. I have an existing building I made and a lovely pair of Forge World buildings.
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