With all the extra personal time I've had due to the current situation I expanded that project into a true army raising for the much larger scale Oathmark and perhaps To the Strongest rule sets. So I'm back to work converting and painting Elves and orcs with the goal of making a 5000 point value army, in Oathmark terms, of each.
Below are pictures of what I started with and have accomplished recently.

A unit of archers. Converted from Tanatus miniatures Saxons with Elf heads from White Knight Productions.

Three small, 10 figure units of spears. The goal is to expand these to one 20 figure unit and two 15 figure units. These like the archers were converted from Tanatus miniatures Saxons and White Knite heads.

Elven knights. I used Aventine Miniatures Alan Horsemen here and mounted them on Perry War of the Roses Agincourt horses.

Here is the host as it stands now at a point value of about 1350 points. Elves are far more expensive point wise than orcs so the figure count for this army will be considerably smaller than that of the Orc horde as we'll see in my next post where I detail the Orcs and their progress to date.
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