Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Traveller Imperial Marines

Tonight I knocked out a squad of Imperial troops in Battle Dress to square off against the Zhodani.

Hasslefree Miniatures "Five-Eight" here. I really enjoy painting their miniatures.

Zhodani Grunts for Galactic Heroes

My Galactic Heroes game for Kubla Con this year will have room for six players. Each player will run a crew of approximately 5 figures. There will be three crews made up of Zhodani boarders and three crews of Imperial defenders. In addition to the crews each side will have some help from small bands of Grunts. The Grunts will become available to player crews through a variety of ways, mostly random.

For the Zhodani I did six three-man teams of Grunts. I used miniatures from the Sedition Wars game.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Imperial Naval Space Ship Empress Eulalie Soars

I've started working on the game I will be hosting at Kublacon in May this year. I want to run a Traveller RPG style boarding action using the incredibly fun Galactic Heroes rules. 

I took my pdf copy of GDW's Azhanti High Lightning game and blew the maps up to scale with 28mm figures to use as a guide. My goal is to have six decks available for play. Each player's crew, whether they be part of the Zhodani boarding party or the Imperial crew will have primary and secondary objectives that will require them to move from deck to deck to perform a few skill tasks while staying alive.

To get a feel for scale I laid out a few terrain pieces and some figures on a couple of the 28mm scale Azhanti High Lightning maps. Above is the beginnings of the Boat Deck with a pair of shuttles to be.

Here is the beginnings of the Engineering Deck.

A pair of generators for Engineering I carved from foam.

These  will be Jump Field generators for the Jump Drive Deck. The design for these and the generators were heavily inspired by the creations of Micro Arts Studio.